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Sunday, July 22, 2012

First Semester BACK!

I am now done with my first semester back from BYU Idaho. It was a thrill, but I'm glad it's over. I managed to go through the whole semester without getting sick and I finally did at the end. I feel like crap because I was overworked so much but it's over, and I am relieved. Relieved that finally I can start Vet Tech classes and relieved that Aaron comes home in four months. I'm nervous to go home because I won't be doing anything except occasionally working and hanging out, but my schedule will no longer be jammed pack with school, work, and church. Church will still follow me home, but it won't be as busy as it is at school. But enough about the boring life, these little comics are the cutest and I love them all. They're usually naked in them, and I don't know why, but this is one of the few where they're clothed. But anyways, I'm excited to go back to California for a little bit, but it's going to feel weird because every time I go home I feel like Idaho never happened, and I never left Cypress. It's even weirder when people (Channing) visit me in Idaho from Cypress and my two separate worlds collide. But school is over!!!! I survived!!! It almost killed me, and I don't care whose semester was worse, it was still hard for me.